Made in 3 days for Winter Melon Jam 2023! (You may encounter some many bugs)
There is no ENDING (I forgot to implement it 💀). The game ends when there is no tracks to sing.
This game is still work in progress, but I won't update it before MelonJam official ending

Charrrm the pirates!

Sing the shanty!

Tune your angelic voice with [Mouse] and sing a note shown on a track with [Left Mouse Button] to lure the pirates!

Lure pirates for the Giant Octopus to eat!

Use [Space] button to call the Octopus to eat careless pirates!

Watch out for their crewmates and make sure they are charmed by your beautiful, angel-like singing.


Left Mouse Button Sing!
Mouse Movement Change tune
Space EAT.

Coming soon

  • Song editor and song importer/exporter
  • more SFX
  • Point counting fixes
  • a proper ending


Illustrations: Madus

Programming & Mermaid's voice: forklovee

UI and 3D ship model: aFRIAN


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I got lost when it started introducing more mechanics, but overall seems like a nice idea